Good friday eve
I was so looking forward to this day! Eve of Good Friday means a long weekend awaits me. So I decided to meet up with an old colleague, Lin, from my previous job to catch up on what's been happening.
After work, I proceeded to Tanjong Pagar which is where her office is located at. Alighted at Raffles Place and waited for the west bound train where I bumped into a bunch of familiar faces.
They were astonished to see me to say the least, some of them were trainers from my previous jobs and others were colleagues of my mother. Almost in unison, they erupted into a frenzy of, "Oh my god! You so thin now! What did you do huh? Mummy never feed you is it? Got girlfriend is it? Forgot to eat ah?"
Nice thing was, I saw one of them 3 weeks back with my mother and she asked me what did I do to lose so much weight in 3 weeks! That only pushed and motivate me even further to stick with my routine. Yes, I was beaming!
Shortly at Tanjong Pagar I bid farewell to the ladies and alighted...where I got lost. Reason being Lin wanted to chill at Starbucks and there were a couple of outlets in the vacinity. So I wondered around the control station trying to think of the building she mentioned.
That was when I felt a hard tap on my shoulder from behind. Now, you don't do that to me because given what I was used to in the could lead to this:

I spun around and to my surprise, it was the Lecherous Monk! One of my brothers-in-arms since we were 16! I was so delighted because the last time we met was during my Hari Raya open house in 2006. But before that...a word of caution...only in certain situations would you turn around. These are the sort of situations I would recommend not turning around when you feel a tap from behind or hear your name being called:
. It's almost midnight
(self explanatory)
. You're in a club/pub/etc
(it could be an accidental bump, if you turn around looking annoyed, chances are you might hear, "le diao simi?!" And that, my friends...can be bad)
. You're eyeing a hottie and caught hold of the boyfriend's gaze
(serves you right for not being observant!)
But I digress. I told the Lecherous Monk not to do that, he slyly laughed back at me saying how dazed I looked walking around and he wondered whether I saw him or was I acting dao to him. I got a verbal compliment saying how much tougher I looked, he even said I looked smaller than the Comparison Pictures I posted on Friendster! Alright!
We had a fast rebonding session then went ahead with our agendas. Then I met up with Lin who graciously brought me some sandwiches and we proceeded to catch up with work (the mishaps and the special people who had us laughing), life stories and even more life stories. I suppose you know what's coming next...she said I looked so much better now. That's 3 (grouping the ladies as 1) verbal compliments today! *hums and attempts to dance to the tune of "I feel good" in my head*
I know I promised to list out my life's timeline and the music that had accompanied me but it's almost 1AM now and I'm beat. Tomorrow perhaps, as tomorrow I'm looking forward to the East Coast Park outing with my mom and her friend to work out. All in all...a motivational day! And as such, I shall leave you all with a word from our sponsors (captions by yours truly)

"A perk-me-up that guarantees excitement for the ladies"
Written at 11:52 PM